Preferences Window

Connections Page

The Connections page contains preferences for allowing connections from a limited number of TCP/IP addresses, and to set up the server's "port".

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Click this to allow connections from any TCP/IP address.

Click this to allow connections to your SpeedShare Pro Server from only certain TCP/IP addresses. For example, if you know that everyone connecting to your server will have a certain range of addresses, enter the range to prevent unauthorized access from other locations.

To create a new address entry, click New. Enter the address range. If there is only a single address, leave the to box unchecked.

To remove a selected address entry, click Remove.

This preference is used to set the TCP/IP port your server will use. This preference is most often used with firewalls or when there are special access requirements. For most cases, it should be set to Default.

Please note that changes in the port will not take effect until the server is stopped and started again.

SpeedShare Pro Server makes its services available on what is known as a TCP/IP port. Normally, its services are made available on port #1427.

Sometimes, a firewall installed between a SpeedShare Pro Server and the Internet can make it impossible to connect to the server using its normal port. If the firewall cannot be modified to allow connections on port #1427, it may be possible to use a different port which is normally used for other purposes.For example, ftp is a widely used service which is normally available on port #21. SpeedShare can be configured to use this port instead of its own.

Another reason to use a port other than the normal port is for security. If you use an unknown port, people blindly attempting to connect to your server won't be able to connect unless they know what port is being used.

Almost any port from 100 to 65000 can be used on a Macintosh, because very few TCP/IP servers are active. Keep in mind that large port numbers will have fewer conflicts, because they are not assigned to specific services.

Please note: when using a TCP/IP address to connect directly to a SpeedShare Server which uses a port different than its default, keep in mind that you must enter the TCP/IP address of the server followed by ":port#" when setting up the connection. For example, the server at "" using the ftp port must have its address entered as "".

If you connect using the Qdea Worldwide Rendezvous, you don't have to worry about it. The Rendezvous will automatically connect you to the right port.

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